Meeting, 12-07-05
The Epigram meeting today resulted in quite a few action points:
- Thorsten should write something for the e-pig website. Conor should then rewrite it.
- Wouter should incorporate the feedback on the library
- Peter has had his types paper accepted! He will work on putting some well-documented examples on the website.
- Conor has some photographs that might be suitable for the e-pig website. He had some productive chats with Edwin about lightning and Term.lhs. Incidentally, his paper has also been accepted. He’s been hacking on the Parser and PrettyPrinter in Scotland.
- James is working to reach the TFP deadline and has been playing around with normalization by evaluation.
- Joel has handed in his thesis. He now has time to look at some examples. Thorsten suggests having a look at Tarmo’s compiler and implementing it in Epigram.
- Finally, we should maybe organise a Hack Fest to get some work started towards a command-line interface and Epigram 2 development in general.
Next week we should discuss a selection of examples, which Peter can then beautify for the website.